Monday, April 18, 2011

Did you thank Allah(swt) for the ROYAL life you live?
 Yes you read it right... ROYAL. You may not think your life is royal because you dont have the latest Iphone 5, Coach purse, or Lamborghini. However, I suggest you take a step back and see all that you DO have and you will realize what a lavish lifestyle we live. Listening to Mufti Kamani’s lecture Thanking Allah: Why and How opened my eyes to how thankful we should be and I would like to share my realizations with you. 

Life of the Sahabas and Prophet (saws):Our life today:
Use messengers to send messages that may take days to months to reach destinationInstant messaging with cell phones where one click takes your message across the world!
Prophet (saw) slept on a straw matMost sleep on comfortable mattress and fluffy pillows
Travel days to get across country by camel or horseFly all over the globe while we sit in a plane enjoying peanuts and a movie!

This list can go on forever describing our luxuries such as laptops, microwaves, vacuum, TV etc. We live in an age of booming technology, but our thankfulness is decreasing sadly. My view on this is that we are getting too accustomed to the luxuries and we mistake all of it as a normal part of our lives that we MUST have. In contrast, the Sahabas were overwhelmed with thankfulness to Allah. They would literally thank Allah as they took each and every bite of food. You can never be successful in counting Allah’s bounties as they are countless. 
We are indebted to Allah for these three main blessings:
1) That he made us insaan. We did not even try or ask Allah, but he chose us as the best of the species.
2) He gave us the correct imaan.  Many people do not know the beauty of Islam, but we are the lucky ones who are on the right path.
3) Allah made us part of Prophet Muhammed (saws)’s bestowing us with the complete religion and Quran.
Also, do not limit your thankfulness to physical things. The special servants of Allah thank Him for the emotions of the heart. This is one special idea I got out of this lecture. Whenever I am feeling happy, relaxed, or relieved, I immediately recognize my feelings and thank Allah (swt) for it.On the Day of Judgement, Allah will call out to those believers who were thankful at every stage and tell them to enter Jannah. After that, the hisab kitab will begin for the others. Thus, whether its a small or big blessing, say Alhamdulillah, and Allah will always give you more blessings in return and secure your spot in Jannah. Inshallah. 
DISCLAIMER: I am no scholar and I learned all this info from Mufti Kamani's lecture which can be found at this link:

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